Backcountry 101

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Backcountry 101

The right information will help you stay safe in the backcountry


Drop knowledge not bombs.

Safety starts with the right information. My goal is to break down backcountry travel and avalanche safety into manageable pieces is an effective way to better your understanding. I’m not a weather forecaster, snow safety expert or a pro skier. I am just you a backountry skier but with 10+ years of experience working as a ski patroller, snow avalanche technician, EMT and backcountry first responder.

This content is intended for my hypothetical 22-year-old self who made terrible choices. I was lucky those first few seasons and now want to share what I wish I knew with those new to backcountry winter touring.

Most importantly I urge everyone to take an accredited backcountry safety course with field study in your area and only use these additional resources to add to your bag of skills.

-John -

Backcountry skiing is my 2021 goal. Thanks for sharing this informative content!
— mauronic1
aw fawk yeah teach me magic man i dont wanna die in the snow
— iancoulahan