Indie Writer Crash Course

Take the next first step to get published

Congrats for getting on the Write Track. Publishing your book is an exciting process.


Get your book ready for print

Step 1

Copy Editing

In many ways, editing is the important NEXT FIRST step to getting your book published. The work of writing is done and now the publishing begins. Every writer should expect to have their work edited many times over. Once your draft is done send copies to friends and families, email subscribers, and editors. Hire a content editor to to provide feedback on your story and look for plot holes and errors. Also plan to hire a different line editor to comb for spelling, grammar, and typos as well. Don’t skimp on the edits. There are other places to save money but not in your edits. Be ready, as Steven King says, to kill your darlings.

Step 2

Cover Design

You really do judge a book by the cover. A cover design is the first impression and it needs to be a good one. Take the design seriously and research current book cover trends before choosing a design. Unless a highly confident graphic designer yourself consider enlisting a pro to help you. It will more than pay for itself in the long run.

Step 3


Before a manuscript is sent to the printer it has to be properly formatted or it won’t look right. Take the time to research requirements to fit your printing needs. E-books and paperbound each have unique formatting requirements.